Domestic Tax Domestic taxes are taxes chargeable on profits or gains under the laws of the country in which an entity is established or a perso n is a resident. Domestic Taxes are classified under Direct and Indirect Taxes. Direct tax is intended to be paid by the person or the organization on whom/which the tax is actually levied, the impact and incidence being on the same person or organisation. eg. Income tax, Capital gains tax and Gift tax. Indirect tax, however, is levied on one person with the expectation that the tax will be shifted or passed on to another. The impact and incidence here, are on different persons. eg. Value Added Tax. With the transformation of the internal structures of the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), The Operational Division was created for revenue mobilization and it is made up of the Domestic Tax Revenue Division (DTRD ) and the Customs Division (CD). The DTRD was formed to be responsible for the administration a...